- Ebooks
- Digital Printing
- Alternative business models for paid content - both online and in print
- Content for mobile/smart phones
- Web-based marketing and promotion
- New digital publishing and authoring tools
- Managing the human side of change and innovation
- Case studies of successful (or unsuccessful!) new publishing initiatives
- Riding the wave instead of fighting the tide, such as using file-sharing sites to increase sale
- Moving beyond books: selling merchandise, community, experience, and other scarce goods in a world of "free"
- Strategies and tactics for incorporating ebooks into your publishing program
- Tools and challenges for an efficient all-digital workflow
- Revising your P&Ls for the economics of digital publishing
이번 컨퍼런스를 통해 현재 국제 출판산업계의 관심사와 변화를 위한 전략 등을 알 수 있으며, 국내 출판계도 관심을 갖고 향후 출판산업의 동향을 모니터링 할 필요가 있다고 생각한다. (컨퍼런스 후에 발표자들의 Presentations와 관련 내용은 별도로 블로그에서 소개할 예정임)
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